Thursday, 24 December 2015

 " Round the back"

We have had great fun this term thinking about our favourite characters from films and TV so produced our own version of the Nativity story 'Round the back' with lights, singing dancing and of course every movie screening has an audience eating popcorn.
Thank you to all our friends, family and the children and staff from St Williams Catholic Primary School who came and share our fun.
Our poor innkeeper was very tired as lots of people came to Bethlehem and all he wanted to do was sleep. That wasn't going to happen! He had no room left in his inn so could only off Mary and Joseph his stable round the back.
After giving them a lovely Elsa blanket to keep them warm Mary had her baby a special baby boy
called Jesus. The thought of the children especially our Joseph was Jesus might prefer a Minions blanket to Olaf and Elsa.
Our Innkeeper still didn't get any rest he was visited by shepherds
Awoke by the beautiful sound of an angel
and then visited by 3 very wise men
After all his visitors he was rather angry and decided to go round the back to see what all  was going on. It was then he saw the baby Jesus sleeping peacefully and was so happy all his anger went away.

All the staff and little gems from Sparklers Nursery hope you all have a very happy and holy Christmas.