I think it is right to say how much our children love number.
The children are understanding more and more about number. We are reciting numbers, ordering and sequencing, recognising, matching and finding quantities in our play all the time. This week some of us have managed to count upto 18. We count from zero the hero as well as counting on from other numbers.
"How many cups have we got?
Children may be able to recite numbers upto 10, but only count a small number of objects. They need plenty of practical experiences to link what they say, hear and see when using number. This week the children have independantly been counting many objects indoors and outdoors i.e bubbles that they blew, number of garden tools, hats needed, cups and plates, candles on the cakes, making dough cakes, gems the list goes on.

You can help your child understand number in many ways during your everyday activities maths is everywhere not just in nursery!
counting how many stairs they walk up,
their birthday number "I am 2"
building towers and counting blocks and resources,
counting objects as they go in the washing machine,
how many knives and forks do we need for tea?
looking for numbers in the environment whilst out shopping.
This is an online game the children like to complete giving teddy the correct number of cakes.http://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/teddy-numbers
Singing songs is great fun.
"Five currant buns in a baker's shop,
Round and fat with a cherry on the top,
Along came you with a penny one day
Bought a currant bun and took it away
Four currant buns in a baker's shop,
Round and fat with a cherry on the top,
Along came you with a penny one day.
Bought a currant bun and took it away"